About me

Move fast and embrace change

What gives me the competitive advantage?

Changemaker. I'm committed to breaking barriers and making knowledge and career paths easily accessible to everyone.

Self-starter and growth mindset. I taught myself how to code when I was in 5th grade. This natural sense of curiosity and growth mindset enables me to learn fast and think quick.

Empathy and compassion. Because of the nature of who I am, I'm able to empathize with users and have compassion in a cross-functional team to deliver a delightful experience.

Innovative and strategic. I'm a experimental designer, which means I like to try new ideas and learn from them. My strategic thinking spawns from all of my years of learning through experiments.

My process is streamlined

Research everything

The lack of discovery research is the reason why many products fail. We need to let the data lead us and inform our decisions.

Design everything

We don't throw half-baked designs over the fence to our fellow developers and engineers. We hand-off complete designs with documentation and annotations.

Align business objectives with user needs

There is a balancing act needed. With a business and engineering education, I'm able to understand business objectives and user needs. When they are aligned, that's when we'll have a successful product.

Ship it like it’s hot

There is so much we can test, but after a while, we need to ship it, listen to our users, and learn from it.

Test with users

Test often, but don't overkill it to the point where we have depreciating returns. We need to test enough until we are confident to release it to the wild.

Give everyone a hi five 

Why not have fun while we're hard at work? Let's celebrate our wins and reward ourselves. :)

Collaborate with me